We craft world-class newsletters that help your brand grow fast.

Supercharge your audience engagement with our done-for-you service.

get Started
There are
variables that contribute to a world-class newsletter.

We do all of it for you, with your goals in mind.

No hiring expensive full-time talent, managing random freelancers, or spending hundreds of hours mastering new skills.

We’re the perfect newsletter team you’ve been dreaming about - no big budgets required.

Goals & Strategy

Whether it’s a standalone newsletter brand or a customer-centric engagement tool, we craft audience first newsletters that deliver on your goals.

Concepts & Process

Based on your audience, goals, and internal bandwidth, we simplify the product and production process to fit your level of contribution.

Full-Service Production

We’ve built a world-class team of copywriters, editors, and email experts who can launch a new newsletter or take over an existing one.

Ongoing Optimization

We're maniacal about deliverability, open rates, click rates, A/B testing, cleaning lists, surveys, net promoter scores, and the revenue your newsletter should deliver.

We operate our own successful newsletters.

Here are just a few...

Earning $4,000+/mo
Earning $15,000+/mo
Not Monetized Yet
↑3,161 past 30 days
Earning $4,000+/mo
↑1,750 past 30 days
Earning $5,000+/mo
↑130 past 30 days
Not Monetized Yet

...and these are a few of our client’s newsletters.

Whether you have 0 subscribers or 1,000,000+

We’ll create consistent, valuable content that elevates your brand & achieves your goals.

Get a world-class newsletter team starting at
One weekly send
Perfect for brands or individuals just starting. We’ll set up your newsletter operations or take over an existing one.
  • Fully operational newsletter & publishing process
  • Ongoing optimization, testing & recommendations
  • Slack access for asynchronous communication
  • No contracts
  • Pause or cancel anytime
get Started
Three weekly sends
Allow our full team to produce a consistent newsletter strategy that delivers results.
  • Dedicated team consisting of a project manager, copywriter, editor, and ESP manager
  • Subject matter expert identification and support
  • Slack access for asynchronous communication
  • No contracts
  • Pause or cancel anytime
get Started

Bespoke Solutions

Need more capabilities like daily sends, subscriber acquisition, conversion rate optimization, funnels, or sponsor sales and management?

Let’s chat!
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Have questions?

How does your service work?
Your SendStudio team builds the sending infrastructure, develops the copy, acquires and cleans the list(s), optimizes performance, and seamlessly hands off each warm lead to your email inbox. Simply respond to each email to take over the conversation without a hitch.
How many warm leads can I expect?
It’s possible a single cold outreach campaign will generate 5-15 new leads per week - often more! But the truth is we won't understand lead volume and quality until we get started, so don't delay!
Where do you acquire lead lists?
We acquire vetted lists from multiple reputable sources - all verified for quality and to ensure they fit your ICP. Additional lists will be added to your campaigns based on performance, feedback from you, and when new lead sources are acquired.
Do I own the lists?
Yes! Before each campaign begins, you will receive the entire lead list to verify its quality.
What about performance reporting?
Each week you will receive a message highlighting the number of cold emails sent, the number of leads that were contacted for the first time, and the number of replies. Additionally, you will receive a quick reminder of the leads that were handed off to you, in case any were missed.

Book a free strategy call.

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